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Sep 28, 2021

How to Handle a Courtesy Job Interview

 During the job hunt, applicants need to be aware of the courtesy interview. A courtesy job interview is one in which the firm recruiter has no goal of employing the candidate, but conducts the interview nevertheless. The courtesy interview is known to human resource departments and is a procedure carried out by every level of the employment process.

There are also interviews which are ceremonial. The reviewer has already made up his or her decision to hire the candidate, and the meeting is cursory. The courtesy interview on the other hand, is a pretense of interest. There are some professionals who consider it demonstrates a lack of respect toward the job candidate. At the least, it leans to a terrible disservice to the candidate, and a waste of time for both sides. If conducted carelessly, it can leave the candidate with a foul taste in the mouth. Why then, do recruiters, headhunters, former colleagues, Fortune 500 organizations, etc. do courtesy interviews?

The answer is found in two sorts of courtesy interviews:

• After about ten minutes or so, it is evident to the interviewer that you are not the perfect match for the organization. But he or she wants to be nice, and will extend the conversation for another twenty to thirty minutes before thanking you for your visit;

• The interviewer is just seeing you out of a duty or human resource policy. Whether or not the interviewer is interested in you, he or she will proceed nevertheless out of courtesy and/or respect.

How then, do you know you are in a courtesy interview? Here are some samples:

• The first statement may be, "I just wanted to see where you are in your career search". This is a fishing expedition. The interviewer is curious about what you have done since your last job, the firms you have talked to so far, or to pump you for information not related to your job hunt;

• "We had already conducted final interviews when we received your resume. After looking over your great cover letter and résumé, we believed we should talk to you before making a final decision". This suggests a somebody higher up in the firm asked the individual to apply. That information was in the cover letter. For the interviewer, he or she is simply doing it out of respect for, or fear of, the company chief.

• "As you know, we are an equal employment opportunity firm. We take that carefully and under consideration when we interview applicants". This is done to avoid discrimination lawsuits. Some firms who obtain government subsidies are obligated to perform at least 3 interviews with applicants of various backgrounds. On a bright note, it could also suggest the organization is sincere in recruiting a diversity of people, you included.

Ten to fifteen minutes should be long enough to recognize whether or not you are in a real interview or talking to a person just going through the paces. It is evident that he or she has no desire to recruit you. What therefore, should you do once you discover you are in a courtesy interview?

• Ignore the interviewer's irrelevant questions, and do the interview of a lifetime. Dazzle and impress. Why? He or she may opt to refer you to another firm who would love to engage you. Or, the recruiter may consider you are not right for the current job, but is great for another available position at the organization;

• Using tremendous tact, conclude the interview. Say you do not believe you are the right fit for the job, and do not wish to waste either of your time;

• No matter how you feel, do not be impolite or express how furious you feel. You may see this individual again;

• Always thank the interviewer for conversing with you. Depending on how you and the interviewer clicked, ask for a referral so you don't feel it has been a waste

• Do an assessment of the interview. Take note of the favorable parts. When did your dialogue seem to thrill the recruiter? What topics made him or her ask you follow up questions?

It is always stressful to go through one interview after another, not knowing whether or not you are wasting your time and efforts. Do not take it personally. The job hunting market is exceedingly competitive. Look at the courtesy interview as one component of numerous that an unemployed individual would undergo during the job search.

Job candidates should look for job like a daily duty. You must be diligent, consistent, and motivated to discover work that fits your abilities, experience, education, and temperament. Your mission is to convince a firm that you are the right person for the position.

A cheerful attitude will go far toward putting a poor meeting in the past. Don't let one negative interview encounter crush your spirit. Look forward; maintain your regular job hunting routine, and work on securing an interview with the next firm you prefer.

Resident Real Estate Management specialist and consultant Carolyn Gibson of Boston, MA writes articles and books based on her more than 30 years of experience as a property management and firm owner.